Vaccinations and de-worming
Vaccinations and deworming are very important part of your pet health care. We offer full range of vaccinations for puppies/kittens and adult dogs and cats. You can get advice about your pet deworming and find suitable product for your animal in our clinic at any time.
Dental diseases are a very common problem in dogs and cats. Proper diagnosis and treatment is necessary to prevent discomfort and pain connected with oral problems. Our clinic is equipped with advanced dental equipment (ultrasonic tartar-removal device, dental unit, dental x-ray) to provide high-quality dental care for your pet.
Skin and ear problems
Dermatological problems frequently affect our pets' ears and skin. Proper examination allows effective management of the skin problems. Our patients are diagnosed with wide range of diagnostic tools (microscope, Wood-lamp, microbiological and allergy testing) in-side the clinic and cooperating with reference laboratories (IDEXX, Laboklin, Movet). Treatment is adjusted individually for each patient.
Diagnostic evaluation of your pet frequently requires laboratory testing. Blood examination helps diagnosing several problems, e.g. infections, kidney and liver problems, diabetes mellitus or electrolyte abnormalities. Urine is frequently checked if infections of urinary tract or kidney problems are suspected. Microscopic examinations help with evaluation of skin and ear diseases.
Our clinic is equipped with in-house laboratory allowing quick evaluation of blood (hematology, biochemistry, blood gases, coagulation, hormonal and urine analyzers) and urine samples directly in the clinic. More advanced endocrynological, microbiological or allergy tests, as well as histopathological examinations, are done by co-operation with external laboratories: IDEXX (Vetlab), Movet, Laboklin. To evaluate our dermatological patients we use microscopic examinations of ear and skin scrapings, and cytology.
We provide progesterone and genetic testing. We are equipped with an analyzer which allows us to measure progesterone level in-house. The test requires one blood sample and the results are available within one hour.
Radiographic examinations
Patients with musculo-skeletal, cardiac or respiratory problems require radiographic examination to establish a final diagnosis and treatment. Radiographs are also used to help diagnosing problems in the abdominal cavity, such as urinary calculi, gastrointestinal foreign bodies or gastric torsion.
Our clinic is equipped with modern digital x-ray system which allows fast and high quality diagnostic evaluation your pet.
We perform official Kennelliitto hip, elbow and spine examinations: Price list
Identification and travelling
Identification of your pet is essential when you think about travelling abroud. Your pet needs European Pet Passport, microchip identification, valid vaccinations and deworming before departure.
Check with us all the documents and we will get your pet ready to travel .
Official examinations
We conduct official radiographic examinations of the hip, elbows and spine, as well as official knee control for the Finnish Kennel Club.
Official heart and kidney examinations (Kennelliitto, PEVISA, Kissalliitto, PawPeds): auscultation, ultrasound, ECG, Holter.
First aid, emergencies and day-hospital
We provide first aid and emergency treatment for critically ill pets: in-house laboratory testing, radiographic and ultrasound examinations, surgieries and day-hospital. We co-operate with Heslinki University Hospital and Eläinsairaala AISTI in case our patients require long-term hospitalization.
Exotic animals
We provide health checks, first aid and treatment for rabbits, guinea pigs, ferrets, mice, rats and other small exotic pets. Special dietary treatments are available in our clinic. We co-operate with exotic animal specialists and refer our patients for further evaluation if necessary.
Petfood, medicines and care products
We offer wide range of pet medical and care products, deworming, tick prevention and petfood. You can find both daily and special veterinary diets on our shelves. More particalar diets and products can be ordered for you. Do not hesitate to contact us for consultation.
Internal medicine
Right diagnosis and treatment for your pet are our main goals. We help animals with gastrointestinal, respiratory, liver, kidney, urinary, cardiac problems. We treat hormonal abnormalities (such as diabetes mellitus, adrenal abnormalities, etc.), musculoskeletal and neurological problems. Modern equipment (ECG, Holter, blood pressure monitoring device) and wide range of diagnostic tools allows us to quickly and efficently help your animal. In complex cases we cooperate with many specialists and referral clinics.
Cardiology (read more)
Respiratory diseases (read more)
Urology and nephrology
Infectious diseases
- Geriatrics
UltraVet's Cardiology Clinic
Surgical procedures are important part of the treatment and prevention in dogs and cats. In the clinic we perform all major procedures, such as neutering and other soft tissue surgeries. The procedures are performed using safe inhalatory anethesia and modern monitoring equipment. Our clinic is equipped with electrosurgical unit. Patients with orthopaedic and neurological problems requiring surgical treatment are referred forward to specialized clinics.
Eye problems
Several diseases can affect eyes and vision. Visual evaluation, ophthalmoscopy, ultrasound, use of special staining and evaluation of tear production provide necessary information to diagnose and treat your pet. We perform procedures as leash removal, cherry-eye surgery and many others. If necessary patients are referred for further treatment.
Ultrasound examinations
Abdominal ultrasound examination is an importnat diagnostic tool wich allows evaluation of urinary bladder and kidneys, liver, spleen, gastrointestinal tract and many others. The examination is painless, fast, easy, and does not usually require sedation of the animal.
Our clinic is equipped with high quality abdominal and cardiac ultrasound system which allows full evaluation of urinary, reproductive, gastrointestinal, thoracic and cardiac problems.
Preganancy ultrasound can be done starting from 28-day from mating. Late pregnancy examination can help evaluate condition of the puppies and diagnose any possible abnormalites.
Cardiac ultrasound (echocardiography) is the best way to diagnose heart diseases in dogs and cats.
Official heart and kidney ultrasound examinations (Kennelliitto, PEVISA, Kissalliitto, PawPeds): Price list
Laser therapy
Treating patients with chornic pain, arthritis and skeleto-muscular injuries is very chalenging . Laser therapy is a safe, painless alternative tool which improves lives of these patients. Laser treatment is used also for dermatological and trauma patients, as it improves wound healing and skin regenaration.
Our clinic is equipped with modern K-Laser system and well trained staff who can advise you about the possible treatment.
For breeders, we offer a wide range of services:
Puppy checks
Pregnancy examinations (ultrasound and x-rays)
Progesterone measurement
Lovet's Breeder's Club
For breeders interested in our reproduction services, it is possible to become a LOVET breeder client. We want to strengthen cooperation with breeders and therefore offer reproduction services at member prices.
Membership is free – you just need to register your dog with the Breeders' Club during your first visit to the clinic for pregnancy monitoring.
Nail and coat care
Nail and coat care at home are sometimes challenging or even impossible. Qualified nurses in our clinic can help you with that issue. If your pet is very uncooperative light sedation might be necessary. We offer basic nail and fur clipping, ear cleaning and baths.
Euthanasia and cremation
Uncurable diesease can make your pet's life very difficult. Euthanasia is a painless way of putting an animal to sleep.
We cooperate with Suomen Eläintuhkauksen for animal cremation.